My personal breastfeeding journey.

When I was pregnant with my first I do not remember anyone asking me how I was going to feed my baby other than in the delivery room, for an induction. I always thought I would bottle feed, I never understood breastfeeding or was exposed to it.

When I was in the bed as the nurse was filling out the board asks “how are you feeding baby?” I just said “breastfeed”. I was shocked - it just came out. Soon after my son was born I was asking the nurse “how do I do this?” She was not very helpful and told me to just cradle and basically flop him on to my breast.

I eventually got him latched myself.

My little 39 week-er had some jaundice with some light therapy. A hard experience for me since he cried a lot. After our first 24 hours after his birth a LC came to talk to me. I only remember her talking about pacifiers, why? and asking my husband, “what? Did I ask anything?” He said I talked but it sure didn’t feel like it.

Next thing I know, its day 4 and I am at the pediatric office and they tell me he is at 9.8% weight loss and I need to supplement. LITERALLY NOTHING OTHER THAN HERE IS SOME FORMULA.

Me basically saying what?